Below are descriptions of the music programs offered.
All lessons are taught online, across all time zones,
with optional in-person days.
The studio follows the same schedule as the local school district for
breaks and vacations. A yearly schedule is provided at the start of lessons.
Wondering, "why study music?"
Ready to register? Visit the Registration page.
All consultations are free of charge and will be scheduled before your first lesson,
Your consultation gives us a chance to meet, discuss musical goals, ask questions,
and make some music!
Please contact me to request a consultation!
Private Lessons
These lessons are tailored to each student based on their age, skill level, and interests. Kids usually start in a method book, such as Alfred, Wunderkeys, or Celebrate Piano, while adults are taught from a variety of adult courses. Royal Conservatory of Music is also available.
The goal of studying voice is to have fun exploring the voice and the array of sounds it can make. All lessons and programs are based on the student's goals and skill level. Music will be selected based on the student’s individual level and musical interests.
This element of study is usually integrated into your piano or voice lesson, however, as you advance a separate theory lesson may be required. It is worth noting that the Royal Conservatory of Music has set mandatory levels of theory for specific grades.
This skill can be offered as part of voice lessons or taught separately to those who wish to improve their ear training.
Group Lessons
Full Voice Singers (Introductory Level)
This group class is for kids who want to explore and develop their singing voice and musical abilities. Skills worked on will include technical exercises, solfege, ear training, rhythm reading, sight singing, theory, and repertoire.
These classes give students a chance to perform in front of peers, learn the etiquette of performing/listening, and have fun playing music games with friends. They are a great way to prepare for bigger performances such as recitals or competitions. Masterclasses are offered a few times throughout the year and are free of charge to private lesson students. A drop-in rate is offered to others who wish to join.

"To play without passion is inexcusable!"
- Beethoven