These are some commonly asked questions.
Should your question not be below please feel free to contact me.
What if I can't make it to a lesson?
Let me know as soon as possible if you can't make it to a scheduled lesson. I ask for at least 24 hours notice, when possible. With sufficient notice you will be given the opportunity to attend a group make-up lesson. Any notice that is shorter than 24 hours is considered a missed lesson and will not be offered a make-up class. For further information please look at the Studio Policies page.
Do I have to play in a recital?
Recitals are very rewarding experiences, and give the student a goal to work toward. While recitals are meant to be a fun and enjoyable experiences, I know there are some people for which the idea of performing in front of a group is enough to make them quit. So, while I strongly encourage participation in recitals, they are not required.
Do I have to pay for my own course materials?
Yes, you are responsible for the cost of course materials used during the lesson. These will be discussed in a consultation prior to the start of lessons.
What do parents do during a lesson?
Parents have the option of staying or leaving during a lesson. If your child is under the age of 10 it is recommended that you stay for the lesson. This allows you to see what they are working on so you can assist with practice at home.